Last night, a ceremonial academy was held in the Sherbaum Hall of the Maribor Museum of National Liberation to celebrate the 90th birthday of the distinguished emeritus professor of the University of Maribor, prof. dr. Elko Borko….

Category: News
Program for Maribor Day 2024, which will take place between October 17th and 20th, 2024.
The museum is also open on Sundays!
In July, we will be making some changes to our opening hours. We will now be open on Sundays as well.
IVO KVAC (1900-1979): The Life of an Amateur Photographer and Selected Photographs on Glass Plates
»Kot kinematograf življenje naše je, kjer podoba za podobo se vrši …«
Photo Contest: “A bright goal lies ahead”
Naslov natečaja izhaja iz posvetila, ki ga je Rudolf Maister zapisal v knjigo svojih Poezij. Udeležence natečaja…
60 Years with You – The Museum, That’s Me!
60 let delovanja muzeja je pomembne obletnica. Zaradi tega smo jo …