In July, we will be making some changes to our opening hours. We will now be open on Sundays as well.
Category: Current
IVO KVAC (1900-1979): The Life of an Amateur Photographer and Selected Photographs on Glass Plates
»Kot kinematograf življenje naše je, kjer podoba za podobo se vrši …«
LACHA REUNION; Leopold I., Hauptman, Emkej…
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to visit…
Photo Contest: “A bright goal lies ahead”
Naslov natečaja izhaja iz posvetila, ki ga je Rudolf Maister zapisal v knjigo svojih Poezij. Udeležence natečaja…
Summer Museum Night 2024: MNOM, Maribor Photographic Museum, Trafika – Museum for One.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to visit…
60 Years with You – The Museum, That’s Me!
60 let delovanja muzeja je pomembne obletnica. Zaradi tega smo jo …