večja slika muzeja od zunaj

Public information

Catalog of public information
National Liberation Museum Maribor

About the Catalog
Maribor Name of the body: Museum of National Liberation, Maribor
Responsible person: Simona Tripkovič
Availability of the catalogue: physical access – on the premises of the Museum, secretariat, every working day from 9 until 1 p.m

Procedure for accessing public information:
The procedure is precisely defined in the law on access to public information. Information of a public nature may be requested orally or in writing. If the request is rejected, the applicant has the option of an appeal, which is decided by the information officer, and the procedure is conducted in accordance with the Act on General Administrative Procedure.
An administrative dispute can be initiated against the decision of the authorized representative.

Current regulations on access to public information :
Act on access to information of a public nature (ZDIJZ – UPB2, Official Journal of the RS No. 51/06) – valid from 2. 6. 2006
Regulation on the transmission and reuse of information of a public nature (Ur. l. RS, no. 76/05) – valid from 27 8. 2005
Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on the Transmission and Reuse of Public Information
Act on the Information Commissioner (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 113/05) – valid from 31 12. 2005

Child and youth protection:

Official person for access to public information :
director: Simona Tripkovič
tel.: +386 (02) 235 2605