I skate, therefore I am.

A documented trail of Maribor's skateboarding history stretches back to the late 1980s,...

Here’s the English translation of the provided text: A documented trail of Maribor’s skateboarding history stretches back to the late 1980s, when the first wheels rolled on Jakopičeva Street, marking the genesis of the city’s skateboarding scene. Skateboarding gradually evolved, shaping and influencing the social landscape of Maribor’s youth, filling a void in personal freedom, expression, and thought. This burgeoning subculture emerged as a powerful force for personal liberation and self-expression, providing a platform for young individuals to explore their individuality, creativity, and sense of belonging within the urban environment.

Fueled by perseverance, determination, and an unwavering passion for skateboarding, this community spearheaded the creation of Slovenia’s largest skatepark, a testament to the unwavering dedication of those early pioneers. Today, this park stands as a prominent and thriving hub for sporting, cultural, and intergenerational connections in Maribor. This is a story of time and people who knew that on wheels, it was necessary to “stand and be.”