Faila Pašić Bišić


Event from 02.03.2017 to 02.03.2017

As a part of our project Fences in Heads, you will have an opportunity to talk to a president of a UP (HOPE) Society, a humanitarian that helps refugees all over the world.

Faila’s ceaseless work has resulted in her receiving much public recognition, and has been nominated for many different accolades, many of which she was awarded. She was awarded the Face of European Year of equal opportunities for all, as well as the Dobrotnica Humanist of the Year Award – both in 2007. In 2009 Faila was nominated for the SIAE award for learning and knowledge promotion [Slovenian Institute for Adult Education]. Then in 2010 she was recognised as an Ambassador against poverty and social exclusion.

Furthermore, in 2012, Faila was awarded the Woman of the Year in Bosnia and Herzegovina.