Migrations moving Museums


Event from 13.12.2016 to 13.12.2016

2016 is a year that started and is ending with stories of the migration. Migration route leads through Slovenia and Austria as well and many museums have been dealing with this topic allready. Slovenian Museum Associaton and the colleagues from Austria have decided to organize this on-day meeting to share good pracitces and to think about the role of the museums in these processes.


10.00 – 11.30:

Ø Irena Marušič (Tehniški muzej Slovenije): Znanje brez meja / Knowledge without frontiers

Ø Barbara Sterle Vurnik, Jana Fojkar (Loški muzej Škofja Loka): Vloga muzeja v povezovanju ljudi in različnih kultur. Primer razstave »Potovanje« v Loškem muzeju Škofja Loka / The Role of Museum in Building Bridges Between People and Different Cultures. The Case of Exhibition »Journey« in Škofja Loka Museum

Ø Andreja Matijevc (Posavski muzej Brežice): Aktivnosti Posavskega muzeja Brežice in migracije v nedavni zgodovini / Activities of Posavje museum Brežice and migrations in recent history

12.00 – 13.00:

Ø Aleksandra Berberih-Slana: Na drugi strani: Vloga muzeja v času velikih sprememb / On the oher side: The role of the museum in the time of great changes

Ø Evelyn Kaindl-Ranzinger: Muzeji kot kulturni posredniki: praktični primeri iz Avstrije / Museums as cultural mediators: practical examples from Austria

14.00 – 15.30:

Ø Uroš Dokl (Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor): Muzeja za mir, predstavitvena delavnica / Museum for Peace, workshop presentation

Ø Zaključna debata / Final debate